Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

Virua Roseola

ReviewRoseola is a viral disease caused by a benign replyaffects infants and small anak2. This causes the body temperature Roseolawho increased for several days, which will then arise bintik2red in tubuh.Dua type of herpes virus causes roseola usuallywho attack children aged between 6 months to 3 years, although sometimes strike adults as well. It is very reasonable, and in fact most of the kids must have been infected with virusat the time they entered the age of some children who sekolah.Adaroseola experienced mild (in the absence of disease symptoms), whilewhile others showed symptoms of roseola and tanda2 this.Infection can occur when the disease is not kapanpun.Roseolaby weight. Complications rarely occur when the body reaches a temperaturehigh. Handling is quite a intirahat, liquids, anddrug-obatanTanda-signs and symptomsUsually the signs and symptoms of infection will occur 1 or 2 weeksafter your child has roseola and infected with the virus - if indeedsigns and symptoms appear (not always appear).
Here gejala2 roseola:Fever. Roseola usually starts with fever, often to 103degrees Fahrenheit / 39 degrees Celsius. In addition, most children alsoexperiencing dry throat and a runny idung (on or beforehave a fever). In addition the tonsils to swell also mungkindialamisimultaneously during a fever. Fever lasts for 3-7 days. Spottingred in the body (Rash). After the fever subsides, there will be red patchesin the body (although not always). Rash is shaped spotsor pink spotting a flat (flat) or arise (raised). Spottingare sometimes surrounded by a white line. Spots will arisefirst time in the shoulder, back and abdomen, then spreads to the neck andthe arm. Bercak2 does not have to get to the legs and face. These patchesdoes not cause itching and do not interfere with the patient, and willdisappear within a few hours to several days.The symptoms of roseola Other: Fatigue, Fussy, mild diarrhea, Lustdecreased eating, swollen eyelids
CauseThe most frequent cause of roseola is the herpes virus type 6(HHV6) or HHV7. Herpes viruses are related butdifferent herpes viruses that cause sore throat andgenital herpes. As with other diseases who are also caused byviruses, eg influenza, roseola is spread through saliva. Example, a child healthy who dapattertular if using a drinking glass, the same with children who are experiencing Roseola, healthy children who can be easily transmitted tertular.Roseola although the patient's body does not arise spots. This means, a child who had fever but no sign of roseola still potentially transmit disease to children lain.Untuk it, be vigilant of the possibility of your child has roseola if he interacts with alinnya children who have the disease because the process of transmission of the disease is sometimes jelas.Tidak not like the chicken pox (chickenpox) or other viral illnesses fast-spreading disease, roseola rarely spread so quickly.
Risk Factors Infants who were older (usually between 6 â € "12 months) is easiest to get roseola because they have nothave antibodies to fight various types of viruses. At the time stillin the womb, babies receive antibodies from their mother who willprotect them from exposure to infection at birth. However, theover time, immunity will be necessary menghilang.Kapanvisit the doctor.
Roseola causing fever up to 39 degrees Celsius (103 F) or more. DSA usually require physical checks children to avoid the possibility of more serious illness than another piece of roseola.
Your child can experience a febrile seizure (febrile seizure) if he has a fever is too high, or rise in body temperature that is too fast (cause we do not have time to do certain actions to avoid seizure). If your child who had seizures of unknown cause, immediately consult a doctor. If your childcontracted roseola and the fever of more than 7 days, or if spotting the bodynot disappear after 3 days, call your child dsa. Whenstamina of the body is weakened and it turns you into contact with someone who is suffering from roseola, contact your doctor forin case of your likelihood of contracting roseola, whichcould be more severe than if a child is experiencing.

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